Phishing scams is the most common method cyber crime. And with emails looking more and more realistic, it is hard to identify which emails are legitimate.
In this blog we show you examples of scams and how to spot them.
1. The email is sent from a public email domain.
No legitimate organisation will send emails from ‘’ or ‘’
Most organisations, except from small local businesses will use their own email domain. For example, Google use ‘’
If the domain name (bit after @ symbol) matches the apparent sender, its most like to be legitimate.
Top Tip: Look at the email address, not just the sender
As you can see, the sender name shows Paypal, but the email domain is not a PayPal domain. This is the most popular way phishing scams are made, and the most common way people are fooling for the scams.
The email is professionally laid out, with the PayPal logo and all the same layout as a genuine PayPal email, which makes it more difficult to spot the scam.
2. Domain name misspelt.
Scammers even go through the extent of purchasing misspelt names of organisations to try and fool you. Make sure the email domains are spelt correctly of the organisations name.
3. Email is poorly written.
You can often tell if an email is a scam by checking their spelling and grammar.
Organisations will have proof readers that will check emails before they are sent out to their customers.
4. Includes suspicious attachments or links
Many links or attachments are riddled in Malware viruses in scam emails. If you are unsure if to click on the link or the attachment.
Go on to your web browser and search for the organisation and log in to your account that way. Most organisations will have all the information you require when you log in to your account on their website. This is the best way you can be extra cautious with links and attachments